Dr. Joel Aronowitz — Detoxification/ Chelation

 Dr. Joel Aronowitz

Dr. Joel Aronowitz

Since humans reside at the top of the food chain, every ingested toxin ends up in our bodies. Physiologically, we cannot handle and detoxify so many poisons. We are genetically derived from Paleolithic times, and while our genetics may not have changed, the environment is dramatically different. Therefore, we can become overwhelmed with toxic substances that didn’t exist as humans evolved. Eventually, when the accumulation reaches critical levels, normal cellular function begins to fail and we start experiencing signs and symptoms of various health impairments. The most toxic class of substances we deal with daily are called heavy metals.

These toxins are widespread in today’s food chain and largely result from industrialized pollution in the atmosphere that precipitates into the oceans. As a result, sea life becomes contaminated. We ingest these heavy metal toxins in seafood, and it concentrates in our tissues. Since our bodies were never designed to remove heavy metals, these toxins slowly accumulate in our cells, impeding regular, healthy function.

Eventually, diseases can result from the inflammation caused by metal toxicity. Examples are chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, sleep disturbances, autoimmune diseases, sugar and cholesterol metabolism disorders, and calcium build-up in the arteries. This last effect can cause arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Other problems include osteoporosis, chronic headaches, an inability to lose weight, low libido, depression, anxiety and more.

It is always a good idea to examine your heavy metal levels. We are all exposed to different amounts and detoxify differently because our unique genetic makeup determines our detoxification capacity. As a result, some of us have no outward symptoms or ailments, while others can be incapacitated due to the body’s inability of excrete these toxins. Regular quarterly or biannual detoxifications are a good way to ensure the elimination of toxic metals. Depending on the toxic load and medical condition, detoxification can be accomplished many ways: from nutritional supplements to weekly intravenous chelation. Dr. Joel Aronowitz

Originally published at https://medium.com.
