Dr. Joel Aronowitz - Everything You Need to Know about a Mommy Makeover!


Dr. Joel Aronowitz
Dr. Joel Aronowitz

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: "Hi, I'm Dr. Joel Aronowitz, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon here in Los Angeles. Today, I want to show you a mommy makeover. What is a mommy makeover? Well, it's a great name for an operation, number one. But what it usually includes is some type of breast surgery, either a lift or a lift with an augmentation. The enhancement of the breast can be done with either patient's own natural fat or an implant. Aside from the breast, we're also going to do an improvement of the tummy. And that's typically done with a tummy tuck or an abdominoplasty. Then the third component is liposuction with or without transfer of that fat. And then we can use that fat either in the breast or we can also use it in the tush to do what's called a Brazilian butt lift. That can be helpful also to give a little enhancement to the bottom sags a little bit. If we put a little bit of volume in the bottom, It can enhance that and reverse some of those sagging changes that occur with age.

So mommy makeover, basically three components. One, some type of breast enhancement surgery. Two, some type of tummy tuck. Then number three is some type of body contouring that involves removing fat with liposuction. And then sometimes reusing that fat, repurposing that fat for areas that need enhancement like, for example, the breasts or the bottom. So hope you enjoy mommy makeover and learn a little something and see maybe it's for you. So let's look at the pre-op picture for mommy makeover. We have a woman who has basically an attractive shape. She's only 32 years old. She has a deflation of her breast. She has excess skin of the upper tummy and the lower tummy and some descent to the pubic mons.

She has a little extra fat of the love handle areas here as well. On the lateral you can see that she has some flattening of the buttock. She has the typical love handle fat collection as well as some excess fat up here in the bra rolls. But basically she has a nice shape. She has a nice shape to her breasts. She has a nice shape to her lower body. We just need to do a little fine tuning to reverse some of these changes caused by childbearing.

Okay, now let's talk about the post-op. So her breasts are now fuller and more perky and that's not because I did a breast lift but because we filled the breasts up more. So filling up the volume of the breasts after they've deflated from weight loss or childbearing in this case, that can correct the droopiness and enhance the breasts without actually making any incisions that are showing in the skin. Then with the tummy, all of the skin between the belly button and the pubic hairline has been removed. All of that crescent shape tissue, both the skin and the fat has been removed. The muscles have been brought together to tighten them and the skin has been pulled down and the resulting incision is along from one side of the hip to the other going at about the top of the pubic hairline.”

And that scar now is a little bit pink still because she's only about three weeks post-op. There's a little gathering as that skin is pulled toward the center. That will all flatten out after a few weeks and the scar will be still there but it'll be a pale thin scar. The little bit of gathering will also flatten out and that gathering is so that there isn't a pucker at the end of the scar or what's called a dog ear. So we don't like to see that. Let's take a look at the lateral view. So the lateral view we can see now the contour for buttock is better. It's a little bit higher and it's a little more full which corrects that descent or that droopiness of the bottom that occurs. The contour of the breast she already had a nice shaped breast but now it's much fuller and a more attractive breast and will fill out her clothes better and her tummy is much flatter.

Having a completely flat tummy is not always possible after even after a tummy tuck because there's always going to be some bulge of the tummy a little bit. Not always but many people but most of that can be corrected with the tummy tuck. Then if we look at the posterior view here we can see that the buttocks have a nicer rounder shape. They're more full. The contour of the love handles of the basic feminine curve is improved because we don't have that big extra bulge on the love handle area and there's less tissue. There's less fat and padding that's bulging over the bra strap up higher on the chest. So that's the pre-op versus the post-op mommy makeover. 

 Thank you for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed our Aronowitzland channel and if you check out our channel we have a lot of other interesting content both from the patient's point of view as well as the actual surgery videos. So if that's something you're interested in check out our videos on Aronowitzland.”
