Dr. Joel Aronowitz - BOTOX & PREGNANCY: What's the verdict?

Dr. Joel Aronowitz
Dr. Joel Aronowitz


Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Okay, Bridget, let's talk about the topic of the day. Let me put my jacket on so it looks better.”

Bridget: “Alright, topic of the day today is Botox and Pregnancy.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: Yeah, and shout out to our new mother out there, Rachel, who is... Oh, okay. Is that who asked this?

Bridget: “Yeah.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Cool. Yeah. How do I look?”

Bridget: “Great. I'm loving the mold type. I did, I did. I actually noted the multi-colored ID badge.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “So, Botox... So, is there any evidence that Botox causes birth defects or causes problems getting pregnant?”

Bridget: “Evidence? No.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “And is there any good rationale?”

Bridget: “What do you mean?”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Like, is there a scientific reason you can think of that would be a concern? I think they did do it on mice, but nothing on humans. Yeah. There's not a good reason to be concerned about it. Or about giving Botox to a woman who's nursing. In practice, nobody does it.”

Bridget: “Yeah.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Because there's not a good study that looks at a large enough number of women either nursing or pregnant or trying to get pregnant to say, oh yes, this is equivalent to nothing. Right. So, most prudent practitioners won't do it, and the advice would be to not do it.”

Bridget: “Correct.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Depending on your relationship with your practitioner, with your injector, you might find somebody who's willing to do it for you, especially if you have a good relationship and long-standing history. And I would never condemn somebody for doing it because...”

Bridget: “Doing it during pregnancy or during breastfeeding?”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Either one. I would point out that, kind of unrelated, but the reason that you don't let a small child sit out in the backyard and eat a little dirt or eat honey is because there can be a small amount of Botulinum toxin in the earth and in honey, and that can cause muscular weakness in a baby called, I call it, floppy baby syndrome.”

Bridget: “I think that's what it is in the textbooks.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Floppy baby?”

Bridget: “I think. Don't quote me on that.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Okay, so now that's Botox in pregnancy.”

Bridget: “Yes.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Next we'll do injectables. Why do I have all these colors and then my extras on the back?”

Bridget: “Do you know what the color is today? Don't tell the people at the hospital that the color today is green.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “And I got you an extra one.”

Bridget: “You shouldn't be doing that.”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Okay, but don't tell the administration at the hospital that... Do you put your license plate stickers on like that too?”

Bridget: “Yes, of course. How do you do it?”

Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “I don't do it. Okay, hope that you enjoyed that. And Rachel, I hope you're having a good time out there. Congrats. To all the women trying to get pregnant and pregnant and trying to be a good mother, my... We're here for you. My support.”
